Reception- Miss Crowe (Reception Teacher)
Miss Fallon - Nursery Teacher
Mrs Morris (Teaching Assistant)
The children will begin by looking at fiction and non-fiction texts, story structure and composition. Text focus this term will include, The Selfish Crocodile, All about Me, Funny Bones, Oliver's Vegetables and Handa's Surprise.
In phonics the children will start with phase 1 listening skills and Phase 2 letters and sounds and will be encouraged to use and apply their phonics knowledge with a range of phonics stories and sentences. Sounds learnt to date will be consolidated and in the summer a move into Phase 3 and 4 will be made providing a range of opportunities to use and apply phonics knowledge.
See some phonic lessons online -
Writing will initially focus on letter formation consolidation of all the letters learnt to date, name writing including surnames and consistency in size of letters. The children will be encouraged to begin to break the flow of speech into written words, using phonetically regular spellings to write words, labels, and simple sentences.
Book Swap
We are now sending books home. You can really help your child by doing the following on a regular basis:-
- Discuss the pictures and what is happening, can they predict what will happen next?
- How do the characters feel, behave in the story?
- Can your child find any letters they know in the text. ( In phonics we are learning the letter sounds as well as the letter names)
- Can your child retell the story in their own words?
Please try and read with your children every day and ask them questions about the characters in the book and the story line to check their understanding of what they are reading. Thank you for your help and support in this it will really benefit their learning.
This year we will be learning to identify and name numbers, to put them in the correct order, to count in 1's 2s,5s,10’s, exploring money, time, weight and capacity. Addition and subtraction, more and less, and problem solving will continue to be worked on. In addition to this we will be estimating and consolidating all concepts learnt to date, including number formation. Maths will be all around us this year, with opportunities to get involved in imaginative role play involving money, weight and capacity.
Physical Education
All children have a PE lesson every Tuesday and reception children also on Friday. Reception children are not yet required to change into their PE kit but please make sure that your child's PE kit is in school ready for when we are able to do so. To enable them to change independently please ensure they are wearing suitable clothes and shoes. Can you support us by letting your child get dressed independently at home so it is easier for them at school. We will send PE kits home at the end of the half term to be washed but if you would like it earlier please let us know.
Nursery - Nursery children do not need a PE kit as they will just take off their shoes and socks.
Understanding of the World - Children will be looking at new life and growth, seed growth exploring our garden and harvesting the fruit and vegetables. Life cycles will form the basis of focused activities. The children will be given the opportunity to observe caterpillars transform into butterflies, frog spawn transforming into frogs, tracking and documenting change. We will be providing the children with a range of projects to explore, problem solve, observe and predict.
otice Board
- Please can we ask that ALL items of clothing are clearly named.
- Encouraging independence to fasten laces, buttons and zips and tidying up after themselves
- Please talk to your child about the work we have been doing and support them by reading with and to them on a regular basis.
- Early Years Foundation Stage which is a play based curriculum. Children learn both indoors and outdoors through play based activities and these activities are planned and developed around the children's interests. More information about the curriculum can be found by following the links below.
Early Years Foundation Stage which is a play based curriculum. Children learn both indoors and outdoors through play based activities and these activities are planned and developed around the children's interests. More information about the curriculum can be found by following the links below.