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Our Lady of Lourdes, Bradley Boulevard, Sheepridge, Huddersfield, HD2 1EA

01484 310700

Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Primary Academy

Ofsted an Parent View
Diocese of Leeds

We are proud to work with all the Catholic schools across our two local authority areas, particularly as the Trust grows and benefits from the expertise and knowledge that other schools joining in the future will bring.

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Year 5



Class Teacher: Mrs Parker & Mrs Scholes


                                                                   Spring 2 Newsletter, Homework and Spelling

Key Stage 2 Reading Prompts

Year 5 Curriculum

Religious Education

In Spring 2 our topic is Reconciliation, leading into Lent.


In English this half term we will be reading 'Wild Boy'.

There will also be daily handwriting, reading and spelling practice, with lots of opportunities to write.


Punctuation and Grammar:

Please make sure that you can recognise and explain:

There is a handy guide to all this here for adults.


New spellings are given out at the start of a half term, and every Friday children are tested on that week's spelling.  It is encouraged that children practise these at home in addition to the termly homework grids.  There will be daily practice of spellings and spelling patterns.


This term, Year Five will focus on:

Fractions, decimals and percentages alongside perimeter and area, and continuing arithmetic practice.

  • The children have a Times Table test every Monday and a Times Tables champion is chosen from either someone who has scored well or improved lots!

It is encouraged that children practise these regularly at home, and also continue to practise their formal written methods of arithmetic.




Children will be learning all about the World and its human and physical geographical features.


We are learning all composition and the festival of Holi


In Science we are learning about Properties and changes to materials

Art and Design

In Art, we will be learning all about collage, and in DT about cooking and nutrition


In PE children are accessing a new scheme of work (Beyond the Physical), which in Spring will focus on balance and movement.


In Computing, children will be learning about Databases.  You are welcome to have a look at our Computing Scheme on

Personal Development

Personal Development encompasses PHSE, SMHC and Mental Health awareness.  We will be looking at areas that are important to our local area, and will be learning about Money Management, Police Education and Relationships and Sex Education. 


Throughout the year, we will be learning French!